Rules of Association

Updated 5n24

1§ Name and home

The name of the association is Lepaan Oppilaskunta ry and its domicile is the municipality of Hattula. In these rules, the educational sub-organisation is called an association.

2§ Purpose and function

The purpose of the association is

  • to act as an interest organisation for its members, to promote and safeguard the general and common interests of students at the institution, especially in matters of education and social policy.
  • act as a student liaison and information intermediary with regional and national student organisations
  • Developing the content of teaching and studying
  • monitor and promote the legal protection of students
  • promote the intellectual, professional, social and sporting activities of its members

In order to achieve its objectives, the association may

  • organise meetings, information and training sessions, recreational events and competitions
  • publishes and distributes non-profit educational material to its members
  • maintain various unregistered clubs, hobby circles and supervise their activities
  • engaging in other activities comparable to the foregoing

To support its activities, the association can

  • own the movable and immovable property necessary for its activities
  • Own and manage shares
  • collect membership fees from its members
  • receive gifts and testaments
  • running a restaurant, kiosk, café, bookshop and photocopying service
  • Organize fund-raisers, lotteries, and the like after receiving corresponding permit
  • organise various parties and leisure events

3§ language

The language of the association is Finnish.

4§ Members

  • Membership is open to all full-time students at Lepaa. Membership is also open to those pursuing a degree course.
  • A member is expelled when he or she graduates or drops out. A member may be expelled if he or she has harmed the Association through his or her activities within or outside the Association.
  • The Association may admit supporting members by decision of the Board. Sustaining memberships are offered to individuals, corporate members and associations. For individuals, the annual fee is €50 and entitles you to one free sauna session, which can be hired for an additional €20, at the Student Union's student sauna at Villa Primavera, or a joint supporter membership event. For corporate and association members, the annual fee is €150, which entitles association representatives to the above-mentioned benefits. In addition to the above benefits, they also have advertising space in the Students' Union's Sirkka magazine or on its website.
  • The association may invite persons who have made a significant contribution to the association's activities to become honorary members. The decision to admit an honorary member shall be taken by the Board of Directors. A unanimous decision of the Board of Directors is required for admission as an honorary member. However, an Honorary Member may be dismissed by a majority decision of the Board of Directors, on the grounds of dismissal in accordance with Article 14 of the Associations Act.

5§ membership fee

The amount of the membership fee for full members of the Association is decided at the Annual General Meeting in the autumn. The amount of the membership fee for sustaining members is set by the Annual General Meeting in the autumn. It may be different from the membership fee for full members. Honorary members do not pay a membership fee.

6§ Organization

The bodies of the Association are the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

7§ Convening meetings

The Association holds two (2) General Assemblies each year, the first in the spring and the second in the autumn. In addition, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association is convened as necessary. The Spring Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the end of April and the Autumn Annual General Meeting no later than the end of November at a date to be determined by the Board.

An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held when the General Meeting so decides or when the Board of Directors considers it necessary or when at least one tenth (1/10) of the members of the Association entitled to vote request it in writing for a matter specifically notified to the Board of Directors. The meeting shall be held within 21 days from the date on which the request for a meeting is submitted to the Board. The General Assembly of the Association shall be convened by the Board. Notice of the meeting shall be posted on the notice board of the Association at least seven (7) days before the meeting, together with a statement of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

8§ Right of initiative

All full members of the Association, except honorary and supporting members, have the right of initiative at Board meetings. Initiatives must be submitted in writing.

Initiatives to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted in writing to the Board two (2) weeks before the meeting.

9§ Decision-making

Each full member of the Association has the right to vote at the General Assembly of the Association. Sustaining and honorary members have the right to attend and speak at meetings, which may also be granted to others who request it.

Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote, except in the case of elections by lot. Voting shall be by closed ballot, if one (1) of the members of the meeting entitled to vote so requests.

10§ Spring Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting in the spring, the following issues will be discussed:

  • Select a chairman, secretary, two (2) scrutineers and two (2) tellers for the meeting.
  • declare the meeting to be legal and quorate
  • adopt the agenda as the rules of procedure for the meeting
  • to hear and approve the annual report of the association for the previous year
  • consider initiatives and the opinions of the Board of Directors on them
  • discuss any other business mentioned in the invitation to the meeting

11§ Autumn Annual General Assembly

At the Autumn Annual General Meeting, the following issues will be discussed:

  • Select the chairman, secretary, two (2) scrutineers of the minutes and two (2) tellers for the meeting
  • declare the meeting to be legal and quorate
  • adopt the agenda as the rules of procedure for the meeting
  • hear a presentation of the Association's accounts for the previous financial year and the opinion of the auditors
  • adopt the financial statements and grant discharge to the Board of Directors and the other persons responsible for the accounts for the financial year in question
  • Select the Chairman of the Association and 5-16 members of the Board of Directors.

The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurers must be eighteen

(18) years of age or older. The division of labour of the Board of Directors shall be decided at an organizational meeting to be held within two (2) weeks of the beginning of the term of office.

  • deciding on the action plan for the next term of office
  • decide on the membership fees for the next term of office
  • adopt the budget for the next term of office
  • establishes the statutes
  • one auditor (HTM/KHT) is elected to audit the accounts and administration for the next financial year.
  • consider initiatives and the opinions of the Board of Directors on them
  • discuss any other business mentioned in the invitation to the meeting

12§ Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of a Chairman, elected for one calendar year at a time, called the Chairman of the Student Association, and 6-15 members, including the Secretary and two (2) Treasurers.

If necessary, the Board may set up committees and working groups to assist it.

13§ Board meetings

The Board is convened by the Chairman or, in his or her absence, by the Vice-Chairman. The Board shall also meet if one third (1/3) of the members of the Board so request in writing. The notice of the meeting of the Board of Directors shall be posted on the notice board of the Association at least five (5) days before the meeting.

A meeting is quorate when at least half (1/2) of the Board members are present in addition to the Chairman or Vice-Chairman.

Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors are drawn up and audited.

14§ Tasks of the Board of Directors

The Board is responsible for

  • manage the activities of the Student Association in accordance with the law, these rules and regulations and implement the decisions of the meetings
  • represent the membership and liaise with stakeholders
  • convene meetings and prepare the agenda
  • take care of the association's finances, fundraising and bookkeeping
  • maintain a register of members
  • collect membership fees and deliver student cards to students
  • inform the members about the association's activities
  • perform other tasks required for the operation of the Student Association
  • elect the necessary staff and representatives to the bodies to which the Board of Directors is entitled to elect representatives
  • set up committees for their term of office as necessary

15§ Period of activity and financial period

The association's operating and accounting period is the calendar year. The accounts must be submitted to the auditors at least one month before the Annual General Meeting in the autumn. The auditors must submit their statement to the Board of Directors at least two (2) weeks before the Annual General Meeting in the autumn.

16§ Namesignatories

The name of the association is written by the chairman or vice-chairman, either of them together with the secretary or either of them with the treasurer. The Board may appoint a person of its choice to write the name of the Association alone.

17§ Granting of loans and subsidies

The association does not grant loans to its members, but it can provide one-off grants for excursions and scholarships. The amount, value and recipients of grants and scholarships are decided by the Board of Directors.

18 § Amendment of the rules

Any change to the rules must be mentioned in the notice of the meeting. A majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast at the meeting shall be required to amend the rules. The decision must be re-approved by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast not earlier than fourteen (14) days after the meeting of the Association. Any amendment to the rules shall be decided by the General Assembly of the Association.

19§ Dissolution of the association

The dissolution of the Association shall be decided at a meeting of the Association by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. The decision must be re-approved at the earliest at a meeting of the Association to be held after fourteen (14) days by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. In the event of dissolution of the Association, its assets shall be donated as a scholarship fund to a legal entity that will further the purposes of the Association.

20§ Membership rights

This rule change does not infringe on acquired membership rights.